Sponsor Trust
Trust is five years old and in “Baby” class – the first year of nursery. She is doing well academically in her first introduction to school.
Her teachers say she works hard, is neat, has good handwriting and likes keeping everything around her clean, including her uniform (that’s not very common among the baby class!) She likes being the best and gets upset when someone is ranked above her. At the same time, she likes protecting other children and reports to the teacher if one child has been hurtful to another.
Things are hard at home. Trust’s father is crippled and walks with crutches. He is illiterate and works on the side of the road repairing shoes. Shoe-making is one of the lowest paying of all vocations.
Trust’s mother left the family after her husband was crippled and married another man. Trust does not see much of her.
The paternal grandparents live with Trust and her father. They work in a small vegetable garden they planted near the home. These gardens are common throughout the community. They are the mainstay of food for the very poor.
With her father’s disability and her elderly grandmother, it is unclear who will step in to help Trust when her grandparents are gone.
Sponsoring Trust will give her a chance at a future unimaginable for her, and give her family something they need – hope.