Sponsor Ethan
Six-year-old Ethan joined the Bwindi Watoto School less than a year ago. He was put into “Middle” class, the second of the three years of nursery school. He has been a surprise.
BWS has been ranked #1 academically for two years now, and the government has told us that we are so far ahead of all the other primary schools, that no other school is even close.
Yet a boy whose parents are illiterate, who are terribly poor, whose son was taken in at Watoto because the family can barely feed themselves, has a child who walks in and is one of the top students immediately in his 2024 class? It would be hard to believe except that it is Ethan’s story.
Ethan has gaps between his teeth. His friends laugh and tease him about them. Ethan doesn’t react or strike out. He just smiles.
He exhibits self-awareness and confidence of someone well beyond nursery school. His maturity is unusual and impressive for a six-year-old.
Ethan’s journey is limitless – if he has a sponsor who will walk with him down that path.