Sponsor Cossy

Cossy is five years old and she has enormous potential.

Nursery school has three years – “Baby”, “Middle” and “Top”. Cossy was first-in-class all last year in the “Baby” class.

It looks like she will again be #1 in “Middle”. Her teachers describe her as a quick learner. She likes leadership and enjoys helping her classmates with their schoolwork. At school everything is exciting and stimulating for Cossy.

But not at home. Her parents are illiterate, making finding work always difficult. Her father drinks too much, something all too common in this community where finding work can be impossible. Sometimes he just gives up.

For Cossy, just being at BWS means healthy and plentiful food, lots of friends and a good academic environment. 

When she finds a sponsor, it means security for both Cossy and her parents, who would know that she will be in school until she graduates.