Sponsor Teddy
Meet Teddy – eight years old with a smile that says,” everything is wonderful!” Only it is not.
Meet Teddy – eight years old with a smile that says,” everything is wonderful!” Only it is not.
Clark hardly said a word in his first year of nursery school (called “Baby”). He is just four years old, and while he may not talk much, his teacher says he pays attention and completes all his classwork.
Salvant’s father died before she was born. Her mother had no way of surviving and found a new husband.
Jamilah’s mother died about four years ago. No one seems to know why, but the community gossip was that she was bewitched. Her father remarried to a woman who hated Jamilah, claiming that an albino child in the house brings misfortune. Jamilah was sent to live with her aged grandmother.